We use the WhatsApp application probably the most during the day and we have all our private chats lying in there. And to add more security this new feature of fingerprint lock takes the security of the WhatsApp application to the next level. However, note that this update or feature is rolled out with the latest Android beta update and it will take some time to officially arrive publicly for its users. Besides, the fingerprint feature is on the testing stage and will make its way to a stable release.
One great feature that you get in-built is that you can now hide the message content in the notification as well once you have the fingerprint option enabled. You can also choose the time interval to activate the fingerprint lock on your device. WhatsApp is also making use of the Android’s fingerprint API to make sure that the data is used on the device for authentication and is not sent over to facebook servers.
WhatsApp is the world most used the instant messaging platform in the world. Yes, there are alternatives but, WhatsApp is just on another level due to its simplicity, easy to use features and also due to its massive presence on smartphones and other devices. Facebook-owned WhatsApp is now trying to update and push a lot of new features for this instant messaging application and recently they have added the FIngerprint unlock feature for WhatsApp via an update. This feature was, for a very long time asked by its users and now finally, you can use the fingerprint to unlock your WhatsApp. Moreover, previously we needed to download a dedicated third-party application to use the fingerprint security on WhatsApp but now, you no longer need that for WhatsApp.
One great feature that you get in-built is that you can now hide the message content in the notification as well once you have the fingerprint option enabled. You can also choose the time interval to activate the fingerprint lock on your device. WhatsApp is also making use of the Android’s fingerprint API to make sure that the data is used on the device for authentication and is not sent over to facebook servers.
How to use the WhatsApp’s Fingerprint Scanner?
To use the WhatsApp’s new fingerprint feature on your device, follow the below instructions:- You need to download the latest WhatsApp v 2.19.221 from third-party source APKmirror.
- Note that you need to have a fingerprint scanner on your smartphone.
- To activate this feature go to Settings>>Account>>Privacy>>Fingerprint Lock.
- If this feature is still not working on your device then, make sure to back up your chat history and reinstall the application.