After launching Redmi Note 7 Pro in India, the company has launched this smartphone in Home Country China today. With this smartphone, Redmi 7 was also launched in China, which is an entry-level smartphone. Redmi 7 has also been showcased in Gradient Color Options Blue, Black and Red. This handset has a 6.26-inch HD+ display with 2.5D curved glass. It also has 14nm Snapdragon 632 processors with which you get Adreno 632 GPU.
In Redmi 7, waterdrop notch display is also provided, with an 8MP front camera. This smartphone is a Splash Resistant with P2i coating, which is fine in this price range. Apart from this, the 12MP main camera on the rear panel is equipped with LED flashlight, PDAF and f / 2.2 aperture and secondary camera is 2MP.
Redmi 7 also has a rear-mounted fingerprint reader. In addition to this, triple card slots are available, i.e. dual 4G VoLTE with dual SIM slots and dedicated microSD card slot, so that you can expand the memory to an additional of 512GB.
This handset has a battery of 4000mAh but does not have fast charging support. That's where the Android 9.0 Pie OS runs on MIUI 10.
Three storage options of this smartphone have been launched, of which 16GB of storage with 2 GB of RAM is priced at 699 Yuan (approx. Rs. 7,000), with 3GB of RAM 32GB internal memory version cost is 799 Yuan (approx Rs. 8,000). Apart from this, the 4GB + 64GB storage variant has been launched at the price tag of 999 Yuan (approx Rs.10,200).