What is APK Tool For AndroidThis project makes it possible to run apktool on android,in other words,you can decompile and recompile apk file without a computer,just with your android phone.
It works both on rooted and non-rooted android phones . It makes easy to edit smali codes.
How To Install :
1.Uninstall any Previous Version of ApkTOOl for Android (Skip If Not Installed)
2.Download and Install APK From The Links Given Below
3. Now open APKTool and go to
system > framework folder .
4. Find
Framework-res.apk and tap on it then select
Import as Framework.
5. Now go to
system >
priv-app > System UI and click on systemui apk then click
Import as Framework .6. Setup is complete now enjoy compiling and decompiling apps.
Downloads :
ApkTOOl for Android v6.1.0 APK–arm64
ApkTOOl for Android v6.1.0 APK–arm
ApkTOOl for Android v6.1.0 APK–arm Root
ApkTOOl for Android v6.1.0 APK–x86